For more information on Atlas Arteria’s 2024 Annual General Meetings please click here


4. Supply Chain


Supporting operational integrity

through supply chain policies

Our approach

Given ALX invests in infrastructure businesses, there is significant supply chain impact. Our assets engage with multiple suppliers through day-to-day operations, and construction projects drive significant economic development in the communities in which our businesses operate.

Each business has a supplier code that sets governance, community, environmental management, social responsibility and supply chain criteria for all suppliers. Tender and contract management processes include environmental, sustainability and safety expectations specific to each contract.


  • Given the depth of APRR's purchasing and supply chain department, it is able to respond to competitive tendering and use a balanced mix of local skills/businesses and larger nation-wide companies to meet the needs and conditions of its operations.
  • In its supplier dealings, APRR adheres to international principles and commitments, including international labour standards, prevention of discrimination and no offshoring, undocumented workers or child labour.
  • APRR customers, suppliers and partners are required to adopt the best practices that APRR adheres to through its Diversity Label.
  • APRR has policies in place to ensure suppliers are tested for environmental, sustainability and safety criteria and are handled with fairness. These policies include:
    • Purchasing policy
    • Purchasing code of conduct
    • Respect for subcontractors

ADELAC and AREA are managed by APRR and accordingly are included in APRR’s sustainability disclosures.​​​​​​

Dulles Greenway

  • The Dulles Greenway has implemented a procurement policy striving to obtain products that will have the least amount of impact on the environment. For example, the policy determines that US EPA Energy Star certified products shall be purchased when available.

Warnow Tunnel

  • Warnow Tunnel's Data Privacy and environmental certification firms are provided by reputable external agencies to ensure external reviews are conducted with integrity.
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